Saturday, June 27, 2015

Day 292...And Staying Relevant

Welcome to Day 292...

And staying relevant...

Let's face it, folks won't buy my books, if they don't know me or my books. 

Which makes one's relevance, the key to becoming and staying successful.

So today I put in a full day here at Maggie Collins Corp to kick start my relevance.

First up... Pinterest.  In case you don't know,  Pinterest "is a visual discovery tool that you can use to find ideas for all your projects and interests."

And take my word - when they say all, they mean all.

Just about any idea is there - from fitness, to inspirational quotes, to vacation ideas & destinations.  It has everything.  All you do is simply browse pictures and ideas and then save it to your own pin board.  In many cases, the pins also have websites for further information or where you can purchase an item.

I love using the site to find decorating ideas and recipes.

And today, I finally got my books set up on their own boards. You can see them by going to Pinterest and searching AuthorMaggie

They're all in the start up phase...but I plan to build them up by pinning ideas about destinations and plot ideas related to each books.

It's estimated that by next year, they'll be 50 million Pinterest users and guess what?  Some of them love to read.  So I want my books out there front and center when they search for books/romantic suspense books/destinations etc...

Interested in setting up your own Pinterest account and boards for your books or business?  
Then check out this article

Next it was on to my 

A number of weeks back I gave it a complete overhaul and it's still a bit under development. Today I added a reviews page - these are straight from my reviews from Amazon.  Here's how the page came out...

And I also started building excerpt pages where visitors can read excerpts from the's the page link

So, on this cool, rainy Saturday in the Hudson was all about relevance.

Here's Today's Takeaway Lesson...

"Keep In Mind Your Own Resolution To Succeed, Is More Important Than Any One Thing"  Abraham Lincoln

Here's to Being All In,


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365 Days & Counting...

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