Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Day 318...Making Your World Run A Little Better

Welcome to Day 318...

And making your world run a little better...

There's always lots to do with the #busywriterslife. 

Including keeping your house in order.

The thing is when my house is clean I feel as though I have more control over whatever other chaos is going on around me.

I read an article on MSN.com this morning..."11 Things People With Spotless Houses Do Every Day." 

The article had some quick and easy hints for keeping your house together including...

  • Doing a 5 minute, pre-bedtime  cleanup to pick up books, mail, shoes etc and getting everything in its place.  catching up at the end of the day, puts you ahead when you wake up the next morning.

  • When your cooking, try cleaning up as you go.  Less mess and less clean up time when the meal is over.

  • Shut the doors.  Busy lives means a bit of a mess. So keep the main rooms clean shut the doors to the rooms that need a little extra pick up. No one will be the wiser.

Interested in learning more? Here's the full article...http://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/cleaning-and-organizing/11-things-people-with-spotless-houses-do-every-day/ss-AAdFR8R#image=12

And Today's Takeaway Lesson...

"Organization Is The Foundation To Get The Rest Of My Lift In Gear"  Kathi Lipp

Here's to Being All In,


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365 Days & Counting...

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