Welcome to Day 126 and...Part 2 of How to Get Out of a Writing Slump...
So yesterday my post focused overcoming a writing slump by tackling lack of motivation.
Today let's talk about another reason for a writing slump - Fear.
So when it comes to our writing, what exactly are we so afraid of? And how can we move past them?
Writing A Book Is Hard.
Yes it is, but think about the things in your life that are worth having - your family, your career, other dreams and goals. Even if they're more work, or require more time from you, aren't they worth it? Think back over your life, you've met other challenging goals head on haven't you? Well then you can write your novel.
I Won't Finish It
Well if you never start you certainly won't. And yes it's a big task which can be daunting, but if you break it down into smaller tasks - finishing a scene or a chapter, drafting an outline, you're already well on your way. Stop putting it off and start today. Jump in and build some momentum.
No One Is Going to Like It
This comes from a much larger deep rooted fear - that we're not good enough, that no one likes us, that we'll never be as cool as the cool kids. At some point in your life you have to break free from this limited belief about yourself. Why not today? Craft a great story and I guarantee you they will come.
Here's a few other pointers when dealing with fear.
It Really Is All In Your Head
If it's going to be in your life, feel the fear and do it anyway. Sometimes, simply by acknowledging it, you can move past it.
Practice the Art of Courage
Do something every day that makes you a little bit uncomfortable. Facing fears and becoming a courageous person (however you may define being courageous) can be a learned skill. So work at it - give yourself a fearless workout everyday.
Remember What Fear Really Stands For
So face the fear and start writing. Today.
Here's Today's Takeaway Lesson...
"Fear Kills More Dreams Than Failure Ever Will"
Here's to Being All In,
Follow me on Twitter @AuthorMaggie #busywriterslife
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