Welcome to Day 200...
Whew...200, now that's a nice round number. It also means we're 55% of the way through 365 Days of Writing, Marketing & E-Publishing...so let's write on and market on...
Here's today's post...
Kayne...Kayne...Kayne...(I'm actually shaking my head in disbelief as I type his name), what is the problem?
Let me begin with a little disclaimer...the truth is I really didn't know much the guy.
I've never listened to his music or seen any clothes from his fashion lines. In fact I didn't know much about the guy at all except for the whole Kardashian connection.
But all that's changed now that he feels the need to share his views on who is and isn't a true artist and how the world doesn't understand his genius.
Now I can say what I do know about the guy I don't really like.
That's because all these public tantrums and bad behavior is distracting. And annoying.
They say even bad publicity is good publicity but when does it cross the line?
How about when fans and peers start calling you out for being "delusional", or an a**hole. Now I don't care how good his music is. He's lost me.
I don't care if you're an accountant, an actor, singer, or a writer...
Just be the best you can be...be the good musician, the good husband, the good dad, the good designer.
A little humility and hard work go along way, so let who you are and you're actions speak for you.
Here's Today's Takeaway Lesson...
"Wise Men Speak Because They Have Something To Say. Fools Because They Have To Say Something." Plato
Here's to Being All In,
Follow me on Twitter @AuthorMaggie #busywriterslife
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