Thursday, July 2, 2015

Day 297..An Important 4 Letter Word For Writers...

Welcome to Day 297...

And an Important 4 Letter Word For Writers...

I recently read a blog post about training for a triathlon.  

With all the hours an athlete might spend each week biking, swimming and running, they are with out a doubt "dedicated to speed, determination, intensity, and pushing your limits."

You could say the same is true when writing a novel.

However, the blogger shared that in the midst of all an athlete's dedication, determination, intensity and pushing through limits, it's important they don't overlook one key thing.


"Recovery is not a form of weakness—it’s a necessity. The last thing you want is for your training to sabotage your health, brain, and body. It won’t do you any good come triathlon time."

Again, you could make the same argument when writing a novel.

So why should writers rest?

Well a few reasons...

You'll Prevent Burnout
Going at a 110% for extended periods of time weakens you.  Mentally, physically and emotionally. If you don't pace yourself well, the crash of a burnout could cause you to become "so over" writing that you may spend weeks even months away from working. To avoid sabotaging your long term writing goals, avoid the "crash & burn". Instead, write everyday or at least on a regular schedule. Stay disciplined, keep a good pace and keep moving.

You'll Have More Stamina In Place for a Marathon Writing Session
Maybe it's a deadline or maybe your so-in-the-zone...there will  be those times when you want or need to pull an all-nighter or write as much as humanly possible over the course of a weekend.  And if you're not approaching burnout mode, you should be able to easily move through those once-in-a-blue-moon marathon writing sessions.

Ultimately, You'll Write Better & Faster
Give yourself a rest and your Super Brain will thank you for it. I'm always amazed at the high creativity, the rush of ideas and the ease of solving my writing problems when I walk away from the computer for a while. It's important to take time and give your writing brain a rest - get outside, finish some chores or take a break for a lunch date. A rest allows your Super Brain to work out ideas and plot lines - you'll find what was hard now become effortless.

A Good Rest = A Good Mood
No matter what tasks you face or how difficult your day may be, you're coping mechanisms are so much stronger when you're well rested. So if you hit a publishing bump in the road, or a bit of writer's block, you're recovery will be that much quicker - plus a good rest should help ensure you stay positive and along the way. The bottom line? A good rest will help cultivate a good mood and even if you're working hard, you'll enjoy the ride more.

And in the end, isn't that what it's all about? Enjoying the ride?

Interested in the seeing the full blog on rest and triathlon training? Go here... 

Here's Today's Takeaway Lesson...

"Take A Rest; A Field That Has Rested Gives A Bountiful Crop"  Ovid

Here's to Being All In,


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