Friday, August 15, 2014

Day 19...This 3 Letter Word Could Make or Break You...

Welcome to Day 19...

Honestly, just three little letters.  How could something so small, be so terrifying to me?

So what's the word?

It's ASK.  A simple word that Webster's defines as... to tell someone in the form of a question that you want to be given something or that you want something to happen : to request something.

You're probably wondering...what's the big deal?

The truth is I have no skill set in asking for things.  I'm not entirely sure of the disconnect but part of me believes it's has to do with how I was raised.  My grandparents were immigrants from Ireland and growing up we were taught to work hard...stand on our own two feet and forge our own way. 

We didn't really ask for things.  We were taught to figure it out and move on. And while I think that has served me well in someways.  In other ways it put me at a big disadvantage.

It sounds odd, but I don't have a good skill set in asking for favors or for help.

But here's the problem...In the world of Maggie Collins Inc...I head up the marketing department and I also happen to be my own publicist as well.

So there is no way around it.  None of my goals about increasing my books sales are going to work unless I get comfortable with asking for opportunities.  Opportunities to get my books out there.

The way I see it, I have no choice but to get comfortable with this word and start acting on it often.

So there it is.  Now the big question.  What am I going to do about it?

I am going to ASK.

Baby steps to start.  Bigger Steps along the way.

And I started today, by asking a few good friends who told me they had loved my books to please rate them on Amazon and Goodreads.

Stay tuned because over the next few weeks I'm going to ASK more and ASK for bigger things

It's all part of my marketing strategy...Build the Buzz...Expand the Reach...Sell More Books. Part of that strategy includes what I consider some Guerrilla Marketing tactics...really putting myself out there.

Like asking bookstores for the opportunity to do set up a book signing...or asking libraries to do a book reading...or sending out media kits to local radio stations and newspapers and then asking to set up an get the picture.

So how are you're ASKing skills?

If you're like me and need a brush-up, I found these tips from best selling author Ramit Sethia...(it's from a blog post How to Ask for Something From an Important Person (and actually get it)...

When asking keep in mind to:
  • Be brief. VIPs are busy and do not want to read your tortured expository essay on your life history, food allergies, and the mole on your back
  • Focus on what’s in it for THEM. Benefit-driven, focused on benefit to THEM (“putting the full IWT muscle behind it”)
  • Offer a clear CTA (call to action). You wouldn’t believe how many people end their emails to me with “Yeah, so…wow, I wrote more than I thought” DELETE
  • Anticipate every objection and counter it before they can consciously voice it. Who’s going to be in this? Oh, here are past people I worked with. I don’t have any ideas. Oh, let’s get on a call and I’ll help you come up with some. Etc.
So here's Today's Takeaway Lesson...

Promoting your book is all about Building the Buzz and Expanding the Reach...don't be afraid to put you and your novel out there by asking big and asking often. 

BTW...Don't forget... I need some help designing my next book cover...Go to Synchronicity or now to vote for the best cover picture!  

And if you want to read more of Ramit Sethia's post, go here:

Here's to Being All In,


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