Saturday, August 16, 2014

Day 20...A Very Good Day...

Welcome to Day 20...

Hope you're having a great Saturday.  Sunny, beautiful and a bit September-like here in the Northeast...

Sometimes things just work...they just click...and you find yourself in a perfect zone.

Where the ideas flow and the writing comes easy.

I hope you've had a good couple of zone hours writing and marketing.

For me it's been a very good day...

I added more celeb/media types to my contact list.  I had the idea to branch out to radio personalities.  I googled top stations in the NYC markets and got the name and addresses for some of the top female DJs. The way I see it, these folks that have the ear of thousands, tens of thousands.  I'll be looking to slowly expand the list over the next year.  State by market by top radio station by top radio station.

I didn't get to the post office before it closed today so I'll send out 4 comp books on Monday.  And once again I ask myself...will they read the books, love them, talk about?  I still don't know. But I'm all in on trying. (stay tuned, you'll read more on that a few paragraphs from now...)

And yes I finally finished my request for a review letter to bloggers.  Big yeah!  I took a bit more extra time in putting the query together.  I know the reviewers get a ton of requests so I wanted my email request to be personal and somehow resonate.  Here's hoping.

I sent out 3 emails today which believe it or not took me over an hour.  That's because I realized it's good to take some extra time to review their blog site first.  Maybe the added effort will mean some positive responses back.  I'll keep you posted.  My plan is to keep researching and adding to the list and then target sending out 1-2 a day.

For more book reviewer contacts, today I also circled back to Amazon's Top Reviewers list to capture more names to query to.

If you want to learn more about getting your book reviewed by these folks, here's an informative link Get Your Book Reviewed on Amazon and Boost Your Sales to get you started.

And here's Amazon's Top Customer Reviewers List.

Today being Saturday, I also headed to the food store to make sure we'd be eating for the week...stopped in to the club store BJs to pick up drinks and snacks for my youngest son's high school football kick-off BBQ tomorrow...

Finally I sat outside in the sun on deck where I wrote and read...then wrote and read some more...Bliss

And before I forget...Speaking of comp books I wrote about earlier in this post, one of them I sent out last week came back with the packaged marked "Refused".  

Oh's all good.  In fact if that's the worst thing that happens to me today, it's still a Very Good Day.

Which reminds  me of a quote from Billie Jean King.  A quote so good I thought we should make it Today's Takeaway Lesson...

Champions Keep Playing Until They Get It Right...So Let's Keep Playing!

BTW...Don't forget... I need some help designing my next book cover...Go to Synchronicity or now to vote for the best cover picture!  

Here's to Being All In,


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