Welcome to Day 135...
And some more ways to keep you motivated.
I figure, why not? Writing can be hard and add that to a #busywriterslife and who couldn't use a little more motivation. Some ideas are new. Some are reminders. And all are useful.
So...let's get started...
1. Get Off a Linear Path
Sometimes I think it's harder to write from point A to B to C etc. Sometimes you're fired about and creatively in the mode about point M, when you haven't even finished points J-L yet. Who cares if it's a scene in the middle? You've just gotten one scene written. Just go with it.
2. Handwrite a Paragraph or Page By an Author You Admire
It just helps you get excited about good writing and it provides a great warm up exercise for your brain and your creative forces.
3. Don't Judge
Just write and let go of any expectations about how good or polished it is. Get the ideas down and let your creativity go. Once all of the notes are there, you can go back and organize and edit.
4. Commit
To a designated amount of time or words that is. Give yourself a reasonable or even easy end point to start with. Think 10 minutes or 50 words. C'mon, any of us can write for 10 minutes. Just think, 10 minutes from now you'll be well into writing you're very own novel. You're very own novel!!
5. Face Your Fear of Failure
When it comes to your goals and dreams, the only failure is never trying in the first place
Don't be that guy. Or gal.
And for a final motivating thought for this post...
Here's Today's Takeaway Lesson...
"Think About Why You Started"
Here's to Being All In,
Follow me on Twitter @AuthorMaggie #busywriterslife
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