Welcome to Day 139...
The back story of the novel I'm currently writing, Never Let Me Go, focuses on some hackers who look to expose the bad behavior of the rich and powerful.
With the recent stories coming out of the Hollywood about the cyber attack on Sony Pictures, once again it's like life imitating art.
In my story the hackers expose some shady deals by a wall street power broker, in real life the Sony hackers exposed movie plans and the salary information of high profile execs. But probably what was more damaging were the release of some emails complete with disparaging comments about actors, actresses and President Obama.
To say Sony is in damage control mode is an understatement.
The whole situation reminds me of when I was young - in pre-cell phone and social media days. I remember we used to pass notes in class and inevitably, each year someone would get caught and the teacher would read the note out loud. Anything written, even the embarrassing stuff...who liked who...who dressed bad...who was weird was shared with the class.
As you can imagine, the writer of the note usually spent the rest of the year in mortification mode.
Whether in a note, an email or a blog, or a novel, as writers we need to own the words we share. And when it comes to that, the old rules apply...if you don't any have anything nice to say about someone then keep quiet. And... never say anything about anyone that you wouldn't say to their face.
Here's Today's Takeaway Lesson...
"...Leave Unsaid the Wrong Thing At The Tempting Moment" Ben Franklin
Here's to Being All In,
Follow me on Twitter @AuthorMaggie #busywriterslife
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