Welcome to Day 160...
Sometimes navigating through life can be tricky.. mixed in with all the good things that happen are those unexpected and not-so-good events that can throw our world into chaos...
So how do you get through it all? Sometimes it simply comes down to what you you believe about yourself.
As we start this new year, resolve to...
1. Be True to Yourself...
Fads and friends come and go. Stay true to who you are and what you believe.
2. Not Getting Derailed When Things Don't Go Your Way...
The way to success is to just keep trying. Stay flexible and keep pushing through. Your very next effort may be the one that sticks. Remember what Einstein said "I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
3. Be Mindful. Very Mindful...
"As a man thinketh, in his heart so he is." James Allen - So be careful of the thoughts running through your head. Here's some good thoughts to keep in mine
When I change my self-talk, I change what I believe about myself. When I change what I believe about myself, I change my attitude. When I change my attitude, I change my feelings. When I change my feelings, I change my actions. And when I take the right action, I create my success. Shad Helmstetter
4. Doing It Now...
There really is no better time than the present. So...get off the couch...turn off the television...don't binge watch another series...and get moving - whatever that may mean, going back to school, asking for a raise, changing jobs, starting to write that novel that's been in your head - to make your dreams become a reality. Think to yourself, where do I want to be by this time next year?
5. Living Your Life For You...
It's easy, much to easy to get caught up in what others think, what others want. Yes we have responsibilities, but at the end of this journey, you don't want to be filled with regret.
Here's Today's Takeaway Lesson...
Here's to Being All In,
Follow me on Twitter @AuthorMaggie #busywriterslife
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